Faculty Directory

Head of the Department

Dr. Ashok Kumar Pandey

Ashok Kumar Pandey

PhD, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore


Areas of Research : Vibration, MEMS, Vehicle Dynamics.

405, C-block, IITH

ashok [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6656


Dr. Ashok Kumar Pandey is currently a Professor and Head in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. Before joining He completed his Masters and PhD from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and Postdoc from Technion, Israel. He has worked in the area of design and characterization of MEMS structures based on linear and nonlinear analysis of multiphysics since the last 15 years. While he continues to work in this interesting area which uncovers interesting physics, he has started working in Vehicle Dynamics to explore the application of MEMS based sensors in controlling the performance and safety of conventional as well as autonomous vehicles. He has published over 55 Journal papers and presented over 85 conferences, workshops, and invited talks in India and abroad. He has been awarded with Hetenyi Award 2010 by Society of Experimental Mechanics, USA and best teaching award in 2012 by IIT Hyderabad.

Awards & Honors

  • Hetenyi Award 2010, awarded by Society of Experimental Mechanics ( http://www.sem.org/HON-Hetenyl.asp )
  • Lady Davis Postdoctoral fellow for the year 2008-09, Technion, Israel.
  • RBNI Postdoctoral fellow for the year 2009-10, Technion, Israel.
  • Best Teaching Award for the Academic Year 2011.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Prabhat Ranjan and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Modeling of pinning phenomenon in Iwan model for bolted joint", Tribology International, 5 May 2021, 107071, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2021.107071, (In Press)
  • Ashok Akarapu, Rohit Prakash Nighot, Lalsingh Devsoth, Mukul Yadav, Prem Pal, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Experimental and theoretical analysis of drag forces in micromechanical beam arrays," Phys. Rev. Applied , 13(3), 034003, March 2020
  • Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Nonlinear coupling of transverse modes of a fixed-fixed microbeam under direct and parametric excitation," Nonlinear Dynamics Vol. 87, No. 2, 1271-1294, Jan. 2017.
  • Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Capacitance and Force Computation due to Direct and Fringing Effects in MEMS/NEMS Arrays," IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(2):375-382 (2016)
  • Prashant N. Kambali and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Nonlinear Response of a Microbeam under Combined Direct and Fringing Field Excitation," ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 10:051010 (pp.10), 2015
  • Aakash Swami, Chao Liu, Jan Kubenz, Günther Prokop, and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Experimental Study on Tire Contact Patch Characteristics for Vehicle Handling with Enhanced Optical Measuring System", SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2021, Article ID: 10-05-03-0023, DOI: 10.4271/10-05-03-0023
  • Aakash Swami and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Vibration analysis of a tire under static loading using a flexible ring based model," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 143(1): 011007 (11 Pages), 2021.
  • Aashish Shaju and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Modeling transient response using PAC 2002 based tire model," Vehicle System Dynamics, Online, August 2020, DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2020.1802048
  • Shantanu R. Gaikwad and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "Nonlinear Analysis of Shape Memory Devices with Duffing and Quadratic Oscillators," ASME Journal of Coumputation and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 011003-1-8, Jan 2018
  • Bibin S and Ashok Kumar Pandey, "A hybrid approach to model the temperature effect in tire forces and moments," SAE Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems Vol 10, No. 1, 2017.

Regular Faculty

Dr. Anirban Naskar

Anirban Naskar

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Surface Engineering, Surface Finishing, Numerical Modelling of Surface Finishing Processes.

506, C-block, IITH

anaskar [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6682


Anirban Naskar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH in 2022, Anirban was a postdoctoral fellow in IIT Bombay, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Anirban did his B.Tech. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata and obtained his M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from IIT Kharagpur.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Naskar, Anirban, and S. Paul. "Non-destructive measurement of grinding-induced deformation-depth using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction technique." NDT & E International 126 (2022): 102592.
  • Naskar, Anirban, Amit Choudhary, and S. Paul. "Wear mechanism in high-speed superabrasive grinding of titanium alloy and its effect on surface integrity." Wear 462 (2020): 203475.
  • Naskar, Anirban, and A. K. Chattopadhyay. "Investigation on flank wear mechanism of CVD and PVD hard coatings in high speed dry turning of low and high carbon steel." Wear 396 (2018): 98-106.
Dr. Ankush

Ankush Kumar Jaiswal

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Thermal comfort, human exposure to extreme heat, water harvesting, adsorption chiller, multi-phase systems, sustainable refrigeration and air conditioning, heat exchangers, and thermal management of engineering systems

602, C-block, IITH

ankush [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6XXX


Dr. Ankush Kumar Jaiswal is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Before joining IITH, Ankush was a postdoctoral scholar at Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, Arizona State University, and Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, Purdue University. Ankush did his B.Tech. from AKGEC, Ghaziabad, and obtained his M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from IISc Bangalore and IIT Kanpur.

Selected Journal Publications

  • A. K. Jaiswal, R. Srivastava, A. Jayakumar, A. Ahmad, G. D. Naidu, J. Swaminathan, 2024. “Evaporative cooling and sensible heat recovery enable practical waste-heat driven water purification” Desalination
  • A. K. Jaiswal, C. T. Jose, R. Ramesh, V. K. Nanani, K. Sadeghi, A. Joshi, K. Kompally, G. Pahikonda, H. N. Emady, B. Bheda, S. A. Kavouras, and K. Rykaczewski, 2024 "Microscale Imaging and Sweat Evaporation Rate Measurement using Wind Tunnel inspired Ventilated Capsule" iScience
  • A. Joshi, S. H. Viswanathan, A. K. Jaiswal, K. Sadeghi, L. Bartels, R. M. Jain, G. Pathikonda, J. K. Vanos, A. Middel, and K. Rykaczewski, 2024 "Characterization of human extreme heat exposure using an outdoor thermal manikin" Science of The Total Environment
  • R. Srivastava, A. K. Jaiswal, A. Jayakumar, J. Swaminathan. 2023 “Internal Feed Preheating Necessary for Energy-efficient Modular Multi-effect Membrane Distillation” Desalination
  • A. K. Jaiswal, S. Khandekar. 2023 “Transient Heat Transfer during Consecutive Impact of Two Droplets on a Heated Substrate” International Journal of Thermal Sciences
  • A. K. Jaiswal, S. Khandekar, 2021. “Drop-on-Drop Impact Dynamics on a Superhydrophobic Surface” Langmuir
  • A. K. Jaiswal, S. Mitra, P. Dutta, K. Srinivasan, S. Srinivasa Murthy, 2016. “Influence of cycle time and collector area on solar-driven adsorption chillers” Solar Energy
Dr. Anurup Datta

Anurup Datta

PhD, Purdue University, USA

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Process monitoring of manufacturing processes, laser based micro and nano-manufacturing and applications of subwavelength laser spot using nanoscale optical antenna

402, C-block, IITH

anurup.datta [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6XXX


Dr Anurup Datta is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Manufacturing Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in 2012, followed by his Ph.D. from Purdue University, USA, in 2018. His research interests include process monitoring of manufacturing processes, laser based micro and nano-manufacturing and applications of subwavelength laser spot using nanoscale optical antenna. Prior to joining IITH in January 2022, Anurup was a researcher at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway from 2019 where he has focused his research efforts in developing integrated optical sensors for environmental gas sensing using spectroscopy.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Wen, X., Datta, A., Traverso, L. M., Pan, L., Xu, X., & Moon, E. E. High throughput optical lithography by scanning a massive array of bowtie aperture antennas at near-field, Scientific Reports 5, (2015)
  • He, X., Datta, A., Nam, W., Traverso, L. M., & Xu, X. Sub-Diffraction Limited Writing based on Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS), Scientific Reports 6, (2016)
  • Vlk, M., Datta, A., Alberti, S., Yallew, H. D., Mittal, V., Murugan, G. S., & Jágerská, J. Extraordinary evanescent field confinement waveguide sensor for mid-infrared trace gas spectroscopy, Light: Science & Applications 10(26), (2021)
Dr. Badarinath Karri

Badarinath Karri

PhD, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Experimental fluid mechanics, high-speed imaging, bubble dynamics and cavitation.

410, C-block, IITH

badarinath [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6664


Dr. Badarinath Karri did his PhD from National University of Singapore in 2012. He joined the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at IIT Hyderabad as an Assistant Professor in Dec. 2013 and is currently working as an Associate Professor at IITH since Aug. 2019. He has a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Madras (2004) and an M.S. in Manufacturing Systems and Technology from NTU, Singapore (2005). His research areas include experimental fluid mechanics, high-speed imaging, cavitation and bubble dynamics.

Awards & Honors

  • Suzuki foundation fellowship Apr.2019 to Jul. 2019 to carry out research at Shizuoka University, Japan.

Selected Journal Publications

  • M. Agrawal, R. K. Katiyar, B. Karri* K. C. Sahu, “Experimental investigation of a nonspherical water droplet falling in air”, Physics of Fluids vol. 32 (11), 112105, American Institute of Physics (AIP) publications. (Editor's pick)
  • D. M. Sharaf, A. R. Premlata, M. K. Tripathi, B. Karri, K. C. Sahu*, “ Shapes and paths of an air bubble rising in quiescent liquids”, Physics of Fluids vol. 29 (12), 122104, 2017, American Institute of Physics (AIP) publications.
  • F. I. Azam, B. Karri, S.-W. Ohl, E. Klaseboer, B. C. Khoo*, “Dynamics of an oscillating bubble in a narrow gap”, Physical Review E vol. 88, 043006, 2013, American Physical Society (APS) publications.
  • B. Karri, S. R. Gonzalez-Avila, Y. C. Loke, S. J. O’Shea, E. Klaseboer, B. C. Khoo*, C. D. Ohl, “ High speed jet and spray formation from bubble collapse”, Physical Review E vol. 85, 015303(R), 2012, American Physical Society (APS) publications.
  • B. Karri, K. S. Pillai, E. Klaseboer, S.-W. Ohl, B. C. Khoo*, “Collapsing bubble induced pumping in a viscous fluid”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical vol. 169, pp 151-163, 2011 Elsevier publications.a
Dr. Chandra Prakash

Chandra Prakash

PhD, Purdue University, USA

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Materials Under Extreme Environment; Nano/Micro-scale Experimental Mechanics; Shock/Spallation; Fracture/Damage; Multiscale/Multiphysics Modeling; Multifunctional Materials;

505, C-block, IITH

cprakashj [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6683


Chandra Prakash is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH in 2022, Chandra was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University from 2019. Before working at Hopkins, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Purdue University, USA. Chandra did his B.Tech. from NIT Raipur, his M.Tech. from IIT Kanpur, and his Ph.D. from Purdue University. His research focuses on design and development of high-performance, multifunctional structures and materials through an integrated framework combining multiscale experimental mechanics and computational modelling.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Prakash, C. and Ghosh, S., 2022, A self-consistent homogenization framework for dynamic mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced composites, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 166, 104222.
  • Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2019, The Effect of Interface Shock Viscosity on The High Strain Rate Induced Temperature Rise in an Energetic Material Analyzed using the Cohesive Finite Element Method, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 27 (6), 065008.
  • Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., and Tomar, V., 2019, Simulation-Guided Experimental Interface Shock Viscosity Measurement in an Energetic Material, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 27 (8), 085003.
  • Prakash, C., Gunduz, I. E., Oskay, C., and Tomar, V., 2018, Effect of interface chemistry and strain rate on particle-matrix delamination in an energetic material, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 191, pages 46-64. ( link )
  • Prakash, C., Lee, H., Alucozai, M., and Tomar, V., 2016, An analysis of the influence of grain boundary strength on microstructure dependent fracture in polycrystalline tungsten, International Journal of Fracture, 2016, Volume 199 (1), pages 1-20.
Dr. Chandrika Prakash Vyasarayani

Chandrika Prakash Vyasarayani

PhD, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


Areas of Research : Structural Dynamics, MEMS, Delay Differential Equations, Parameter Identification, and Optimization.

408, C-block, IITH

vcprakash [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6659


I received my Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo in 2009. Since 2012, I am working as a faculty at IIT Hyderabad. My research interests are in the area of nonlinear dynamics and control.

Selected Journal Publications

  • C.P. Vyasarayani and A. Chatterjee, “Complete dimensional collapse in the continuum limit of a delayed SEIQR network model with separable distributed infectivity”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 101, 1653–1665, 2020. [publisher: Springer]
  • C.P. Vyasarayani and A. Chatterjee, “New approximations, and policy implications, from a delayed dynamic model of a fast pandemic”, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, (414), 132701, 2020. [publisher: Elsevier]
  • V. Voruganti, S.S. Kandala, V.C. Meesala, and C.P. Vyasarayani, “Supercritical and subcritical Hopf bifurcations in a delay differential equation model of a heat exchanger tube under cross-flow”, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 15(2): 021007, 2020. [publisher: ASME]
  • S.S. Kandala, T. Uchida, and C.P. Vyasarayani, “Pole placement for time-delayed systems using Galerkin approximations”, ASME Journal of Dynamical Systems Measurement and Control, 141(5), 051012, 2019. [publisher: ASME]
  • A. Sadath and C.P. Vyasarayani, “Galerkin approximations for stability of delay differential equations with time periodic delays”, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 10(6), 061008, 2015. [publisher: ASME]
Dr. Gangadharan Raju

Gangadharan Raju

PhD, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore


Areas of Research : Non-destructive testing and evaluation, Structural Health Monitoring, Variable angle tow composites, Buckling and postbuckling design of composite structures, Optimization of composite structures.

520, C-block, IITH

gangadharanr [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6668

Journal Articles (reverse chronological order)

Dr K. Gnanaprakash

Gnanaprakash K

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Solid fuels and Metal combustion, Thermal sciences, Oscillatory combustion, Electrolytic decomposition and energetic materials.

502, C-block, IITH

gnan [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 XXXX


Dr. Gnanaprakash is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH in 2022, Gnanaprakash was a postdoctoral fellow at Extreme energy laboratory, Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea and a senior project officer at Propellant combustion laboratory, Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai. Gnanaprakash completed his B.E. from Hindustan College of Engineering, Chennai, M.E. from Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Chennai and acquired his Ph.D. degree from IIT Madras. His areas of research include Solid fuels and Metal combustion, Thermal sciences, Oscillatory combustion, Electrolytic decomposition and energetic materials.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Understanding the pyroelectric combustion behaviour of metallized electrically controlled solid propellants, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
  • Investigation of aging induced processes on thermo-kinetic and combustion characteristics of tungsten pyrotechnic delay composition, Combustion and Flame
  • Combustion mechanism of composite solid propellant sandwiches containing nano-aluminium, Combustion and Flame
Dr. Gopinath Muvvala

Gopinath Muvvala

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Additive Manufacturing,Laser Material Processing,Under Water laser material processing,Solid state welding (Friction stir welding)

507, C-block, IITH

mgopinath [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6671


Dr. Gopinath is currently working as Assistant Professors in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. He did his Ph.D. and Masters for Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (2011-2018) followed by which he worked as a Senior scientific officer for about a year before joining IIT Hyderabad. His current research interests include Laser Material Processing, Metal Additive Manufacturing, Fusion and solid state welding, Surface Engineering and their real-time monitoring and control.


  • Ashish Kumar Nath, Muvvala Gopinath, Amal M Nair, Sagar Sarkar, Real-time monitoring and control of thermal history using multiple pyrometers for laser material processing including additive manufacturing processes, (202031001870)
  • Angshuman Chattopadhyay, Muvvala Gopinath, Sagar Sarkar, Abhijit Sadhu, Vikranth Racherla, Ashish Kumar Nath, Direct Additive Laser Welding of Dissimilar Materials,(202031000073)
  • Angshuman Chattopadhyay, Muvvala Gopinath, Vikranth Racherla, Ashish Kumar Nath, Control of cracks in dissimilar welding by differential cooling process (Filed, No.201931001618)
  • Suvradip Mullick, Muvvala Gopinath, Parag Malhari Sakate, Ashish Kumar Nath, Water Assisted Underwater Direct Laser Welding Technique and Processing Set-Up (Filed, No.201931022198)

Selected Journal Publications

  • Amit Choudhary, Abhijit Sadhu, Sagar Sarkar, Ashish Kumar Nath, Gopinath Muvvala, Laser surface polishing of NiCrSiBC – 60WC ceramic-metal matrix composite deposited by laser directed energy deposition process, Surface & Coatings Technology 404 (2020) 126480.
  • Amal M. Nair, Gopinath Muvvala, Sagar Sarkar, Ashish Kumar Nath, Real-time detection of cooling rate using pyrometers in tandem in laser material processing and directed energy deposition, Materials Letters 277 (2020) 1283303.
  • Abhijit Sadhu, Debapriya Patra Karmakar, Omkar Mypati, Gopinath Muvvala, Surjya K. Pal, Ashish Kumar Nath, Performance of additive manufactured Stellite 6 tools in friction stir processing of CuCrZr sheet, Optics and Laser Technology 128 (2020) 106241.
  • Muvvala Gopinath, Suvradip Mullick, Ashish Kumar Nath, Development of process maps based on molten pool thermal history during laser cladding of Inconel 718/TiC metal matrix composite coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology 399 (2020) 126100.
  • Debapriya Patra Karmakar, Gopinath Muvvala, Ashish Kumar Nath, Effect of scan strategy and heat input on the shear strength of laser cladded Stellite 21 layers on AISI H13 tool steel in as-deposited and heat treated conditions, Surface & Coatings Technology 384 (2020) 125331.
  • Angshuman Chattopadhyay, Gopinath Muvvala, Sagar Sarkar, Vikranth Racherla, Ashish Kumar Nath, Effect of laser shock peening on microstructural, mechanical and corrosion properties of laser beam welded commercially pure titanium, Optics and Laser Technology 133 (2021) 106527.
  • Mohammad Shahid Raza, Susmita Datta, Muvvala Gopinath, Partha Saha, Monitoring and analysis of melt-assisted deformation behavior of 304L stainless steel during multipass laser forming process using IR pyrometer and laser-based displacement sensor, Optics & Laser Technology 135 (2021) 106718.
Dr. Harish Nagaraj Dixit

Harish Nagaraj Dixit

PhD, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore

Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Interfacial fluid mechanics, Vortex dynamics, Hydrodynamic stability theory, Geophysical flows.

411, C-block, IITH

hdixit [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6662


Dr Harish Dixit is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He received his PhD from JNCASR, Bengaluru in 2010 and an MS from IIT Madras in 2005. He spent a few years at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada as a postdoctoral fellow before joining IIT Hyderabad in 2013. His group works on fundamental problems in fluid mechanics with an emphasis on multiphase flows. He runs the Flow Physics Laboratory where students engage in theoretical, computational and experimental studies.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Anjishnu Choudhury, M. Dey, Harish N Dixit and James J. Feng, Tear-film breakup: the role of membrane-associated mucin polymers, Phys. Rev. E, 103, 013108 (2021)
  • Praveen K. Sharma and Harish N Dixit, Regimes of wettability dependent and independent bouncing of a drop on a solid surface, J. Fluid Mech., 908, A37 (2021)
  • Praveen K. Sharma and Harish N Dixit, Energetics of a bouncing drop: coefficient of restitution, bubble entrapment and escape, Phys. Fluids, 32(11), 112107 (2020)
  • Anjishnu Choudhury, V. K. Paidi, Sreeram Kalpathy and Harish N Dixit, Enhanced stability of free viscous films due to surface viscosity, Phys. Fluids, 32 (8), 082108 (2020)
  • M. Dey, Atul S. Vivek, Harish N Dixit, A. Richhariya, James J. Feng, A model of tear-film breakup with continuous mucin concentration and viscosity profiles , J. Fluid Mech., 858, 352-376 (2019)
Dr. Himabindu Allaka

Himabindu Allaka

PhD, University of Haifa, Israel

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : High-speed craft Hydrodynamics, Marine Robotics, Guidance Navigation and Control of Unmanned Vehicles

604, C-block, IITH

himabindu.allaka [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 XXXX


Dr. Himabindu Alalka is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH, she was a Manager at the Product Technology Development Center of Larsen & Toubro Precision Engineering Systems from 2022. Dr. Allaka also has significant research experience from her tenure at Technion, Haifa, Israel, where she conducted research from 2013 to 2015. She completed her B.Tech. at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, and earned both her Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Haifa.

Selected Journal Publications

Dr. Sengunthapuram Kandasamy Karthick

S K Karthick

PhD, Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : experimental gas dynamics, jet aeroacoustics, hypersonic aerothermodynamics, optical flow diagnostics, and fluidic/energy-conversion devices.

516, C-block, IITH

skkarthick [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6685


Dr. S. K. Karthick is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, at IIT Hyderabad. Before joining IITH, he was the Ramanujan Faculty Fellow at IIT Madras (Mechanical Engineering). He did his postdoctoral fellowship at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. He finished his Ph.D. (Aerospace Engineering) from IISc Bengaluru. He obtained his M.E. (Space Engineering and Rocketry) from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Jharkhand, and his B.E. (Aeronautical Engineering) from Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai. His research interests are broadly in experimental gas dynamics and hypersonic aerothermodynamics.


  • SK Karthick, Soumya R Nanda, J Cohen, Unsteadiness in hypersonic leading-edge separation, Experiments in Fluids, 64(1):13, 2023.
  • SK Karthick, D Bhelave, A De, Supersonic flow unsteadiness induced by control surface deflections, Physics of Fluids, 35(1):016105, 2023. (Editor’s Pick)
  • S Janardhanraj, SK Karthick, A Farooq, A review of diaphragmless shock tubes for interdisciplinary applications, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 93(1):101042, 2022.
  • Luckachan K George, SK Karthick, AR Srikrishnan, R Kannan, Unsteady dynamics in a subsonic duct flow with a bluff body, Physics of Fluids, 34(6):067114, 2022 (Best Paper, Featured Article).
  • Ibrahim M Sugarno, R Sriram, SK Karthick, G Jagadeesh, Unsteady pulsating flow field over spiked axisymmetric Forebodies at hypersonic flows, Physics of Fluids, 34(1):016104, 2022 (Invited Paper).
  • SK Karthick, Shock and shear layer interaction in a confined supersonic cavity flow, Physics of Fluids, 33(6):066102, 2021 (Invited Paper).
  • D Sahoo, SK Karthick, S Das, J Cohen, Shock-related unsteadiness of axisymmetric spiked bodies in the supersonic flow, Experiments in Fluids, 62(4):89, 2021.
Dr. Lakshmana Dora Chandrala

Lakshmana Dora Chandrala

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Transient supersonic flows Blast waves Multi-phase flows Development of optical diagnostic tools Marine aerosols

611, C-block, IITH

lchandrala [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6673


  • A system for particle generation in PIV applications filed in the name of IIT Kanpur (4130/DEL/2015)


  • Ade, S. S., Kirar, P. K., Chandrala, L. D., and Sahu, K. C. (2023). Droplet size distribution in a swirl airstream using in-line holography technique. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 954, A39.
  • Poudel, S., Chandrala, L., Das, D., and De, A. (2021). Characteristics of shock tube generated compressible vortex rings at very high shock Mach numbers. Physics of Fluids, 33(9), 96105.
  • Xue, X., Chandrala, L. D., and Katz, J. (2021). Flow structure and turbulence in the near field of an immiscible buoyant oil jet. Physical Review Fluids, 6(2), 24301.
  • Google Scholar
Dr. Mahesh M S

Mahesh M S

PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana

Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Aeroelasticity, Acoustic-Structure Interaction, Computational Mechanics

515, C-block, IITH

mahesh [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6669

Journal Publication

  • Coupled structural-acoustic response of a duct-mounted elastic plate with grazing flow, Mahesh M. Sucheendran, D. J. Bodony and P. H. Geubelle, AIAA Journal (2014) Doi
  • Quantification of projection angle in fragment generator warhead, K.D. Dhote, K.P.S. Murthy, K.M. Rajan and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, Defence Technology, (2014) Doi
  • Dynamics of multi-layered fragment separation by explosion, K.D. Dhote, K.P.S. Murthy, K.M. Rajan and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, International Journal of Impact Engineering (2015) Doi
  • Thermally Triggered Transition of Superhydrophobic Characteristics of Micro- and Nanotextured Multiscale Rough Surfaces, B.N. Sahoo, K. Balasubramanian and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2015) Doi
  • Robust Control of Nonlinear Resonance in a Clamped Rectangular Plate, Adarsh Kodhanda, Nisar Ali, Mahesh M. Sucheendran and Sanjay Talole, Journal of Vibration and Control (2017) Doi
  • Vibroacoustics study of a point-constrained plate in a duct, Swapnil Sapkale, Mahesh M. Sucheendran, S.S. Gupta and S. Kanade, Journal of Sound and Vibration (2018) Doi
  • Frequency Lock-in during Vortex Induced Vibration of a Rotating Blade, Lokanna. Hoskoti, Ajay Misra and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, Journal of Fluids and Structures (2018) Doi
  • Effect of Rectangular and Airfoil Planar Member Cross-section on Cascade Fin Aerodynamics, Manish Tripathi, Ajay Misra and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (2018) Doi
  • Flow Field Characterization and Visualization of Grid Fin Subsonic Flow, Manish Tripathi, Ajay Misra and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering (2019) Doi
  • Experimental Analysis of Cell Pattern on Grid Fin Aerodynamics in Subsonic Flow, Manish Tripathi, Ajay Misra and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (2019) Doi
  • Effect of aspect ratio variation on grid fin aerodynamics at different gap-to-chord ratios, Manish Tripathi, Ajay Misra and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, The Aeronautical Journal (2019) Doi
  • Frequency Lock-in during Nonlinear Vibration of an Airfoil coupled with van der Pol Oscillator, Lokanna. Hoskoti, Ajay Misra and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, Journal of Fluids and Structures (2020) Doi
  • Bifurcation of nonlinear normal modes of a cantilever beam under harmonic excitation, Lokanna. Hoskoti, Ajay Misra and Mahesh M. Sucheendran, Archive of Applied Mechanics (2020) Doi
Dr Neetu Tiwari

Neetu Tiwari

PhD, Hokkaido University, Japan

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Data driven methods for fluid flows, Real Flow simulations and Experimental fluid mechanics

403, C-block, IITH

neetu.tiwari [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 XXXX


Dr. Neetu Tiwari is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH in August 2024, she was a SERB Ramanujan fellow at IIT Roorkee. She was also JSPS doctoral and postdoctoral fellow at Hokkaido University and Tohoku University respectively in Japan. She obtained her Ph.D. from Hokkaido University, Japan. She did her M.S.(Research) from Ocean engineering at IIT Madras and B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from NIT Raipur. Her diverse experience in fluid mechanics experimental techniques includes pressure and temperature sensitive paints, Ultrasonic velocity profiling, Particle image velocimetry, Schlieren measurements. She is also interested in hydro-kinetic energy converters.

Selected Journal Publications

Dr. Niranjan Shrinivas Ghaisas

Niranjan Shrinivas Ghaisas

PhD, Purdue University, Indiana

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Wind Energy, Turbulent Flow Simulations, Computational Mechanics

417, C-block, IITH

nghaisas [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6672


  • N. S. Ghaisas, "A Predictive Analytical Model for the Surface Shear Stresses and Velocity Profiles Behind a Surface Roughness Jump", Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 176, 349 - 368, 2020.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, A. S. Ghate, S. K. Lele, "Effect of tip spacing, thrust coefficient and turbine spacing in multi-rotor wind turbines and farms", Wind Energy Science, 5, 51 - 72, 2020.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, A. Subramaniam, S. K. Lele, “A unified high-order Eulerian method for continuum simulations of fluid flow and of elastic-plastic deformations in solids”, Journal of Computational Physics, 371, 452 - 482, 2018.
  • A. Subramaniam, N. S. Ghaisas, S. K. Lele, “High-order Eulerian simulations of multi-material elastic-plastic flow”, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 140, 050904, 9 pages, 2018.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, C. L. Archer, S. Xie, S. Wu, E. Maguire, “Evaluation of layout and atmospheric stability effects in wind farms using large-eddy simulation”, Wind Energy, 20, 1227 – 1240, 2017.
  • S. Xie, C. L. Archer, N. S. Ghaisas, C. Meneveau, “Benefits of collocating vertical-axis and horizontal-axis wind turbines in large wind farms”, Wind Energy, 20, 45 – 62, 2017.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, S. H. Frankel, “Dynamic Gradient models for the subgrid scale stress tensor and scalar flux vector in large eddy simulation”, Journal of Turbulence, 17, 30-50, 2016.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, C. L. Archer, “Geometry-based models for studying the effects of wind farm layout”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33, 481-501, 2016.
  • S. Xie, N. S. Ghaisas, C. L. Archer, “Sensitivity issues in finite-difference large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer”, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 157, 421-445, 2015.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, D. A. Shetty, S. H. Frankel, “Large eddy simulation of turbulent horizontal buoyant jets” Journal of Turbulence, 16, 772-808, 2015.
  • A. Pal, K. Anupindi, Y. Delorme, N. S. Ghaisas, D. A. Shetty, S. H. Frankel, “Large eddy simulation of transitional flows in an idealized stenotic blood vessel: evaluation of subgrid scale models” Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 136, 071009, 2014.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, S. H. Frankel, “A priori evaluation of large eddy simulation subgrid-scale scalar flux models in isotropic passive-scalar and anisotropic buoyancy-driven homogeneous turbulence” Journal of Turbulence, 15, 88-121, 2014.
  • N. S. Ghaisas, D. A. Shetty, S. H. Frankel, “Large eddy simulation of thermal driven cavity: Evaluation of sub-grid scale models and flow physics” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 56, 606-624, 2013
Dr. Nishanth Dongari

Nishanth Dongari

PhD, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Microfluidics, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Compressible Gas Flows, Thin Film Coatings, Molecular Dynamics, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo and Extended Hydrodynamics

417, C-block, IITH

nishanth [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6663

Journal Publication

  • Analytical solution of gaseous slip flow in long microchannels N Dongari, A Agrawal, A Agrawal International journal of heat and mass transfer 50 (17-18), 3411-3421
  • Pressure-driven diffusive gas flows in micro-channels: from the Knudsen to the continuum regimes N Dongari, A Sharma, F Durst Microfluidics and nanofluidics 6, 679-692
  • Modeling of Knudsen layer effects in micro/nanoscale gas flows N Dongari, Y Zhang, JM Reese Journal of Fluids Engineering 133 (7)
  • Google Scholar
Dr. Nizamuddin Khaderi Syed

Nizamuddin Khaderi Syed

PhD, University of Groningen, Netherlands

Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Computational solid mechanics, fluid structure interaction.

510, C-block, IITH

snk [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6667


Dr. Syed Nizamuddin Khaderi is a Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at IIT Hyderabad. He received his PhD from University of Groningen, Netherlands in 2011 and M.Tech from IIT Kanpur in 2006.

Selected Journal Publications

  • M Sreejith, S Chetan, SN Khaderi: "Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Micro-Channel Due to Mechanical Stirrers (vol 13, 011013, 2020)", in JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS 12 (6)
  • N Kumar, SN Khaderi, K Tirumala Rao: "Elasto-plastic impact on auxetic/metal foams", in Journal of Applied Mechanics 87 (12)
  • N Kumar, SN Khaderi, K Tirumala Rao: "Elasto-plastic indentation of auxetic and metal foams" in Journal of Applied Mechanics 87 (1)
  • TM Jobin, M Ramji, SN Khaderi: "Numerical evaluation of the interaction of rigid line inclusions using strain intensity factors", in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 153, 10-20
Dr. Prabhat Kumar

Prabhat Kumar

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Topology Optimization, Soft Robotics, Structural Optimization, Compliant Mechanisms, Computational contact mechanics

610, C-block, IITH

pkumar [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6681


Dr. Prabhat Kumar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH in 2022, Prabhat was a Ramanujan Fellow Faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, IISc Bangalore from 2021. Before working at IISc Bangalore, he held research positions at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands; Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark; and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Prabhat did his B.Tech. from NIT Warangal, Telangana and obtained his Ph.D. degree from IIT Kanpur, India. His research interests are in the fields of Topology Optimization, Structural Optimization, Compliant Mechanisms, Inverse Problems, Computational contact mechanics.

Selected Journal Publications

  • P. Kumar, (2022); “HoneyTop90: A 90-line MATLAB code for topology optimization using honeycomb tessellation” Optimization and Engineering, 2022
  • P. Kumar, (2022); “Topology optimization of stiff structures under self-weight for given volume using a smooth Heaviside function”, Struct Multidisc Optim, 65(4), 1-17, 2022
  • P. Kumar, M Langelaar, (2022); Topological synthesis of fluidic pressure-actuated robust compliant mechanisms; Mech. Mach. Theory, 2022
  • P. Kumar, M Langelaar, (2021); “On topology optimization of design‐dependent pressure‐loaded 3D structures and compliant mechanisms”, J. Numer. Methods Eng., 122(9), 2205-2220, 2021
  • P. Kumar, C. Schmidleithner, N. B. Larsen, O. Sigmund, (2021); “Topology optimization and 3D printing of large deformation compliant mechanisms for straining biological tissues”, Struct Multidisc Optim, 63, 1351–1366, 2021.
  • P. Kumar, J. S. Frouws, M. Langelaar; (2020); “Topology optimization of fluidic pressure-loaded structures and compliant mechanisms using the Darcy method”, Struct Multidisc Optim, 61, 1637–1655. 2020.
  • P. Kumar, R. A. Sauer, A. Saxena, (2021); “On topology optimization of large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 2021.
  • P. Kumar, P. Fanzio, L. Sasso, M. Langelaar, (2019); “Compliant Fluidic Control Structures: Concept and Synthesis Approach”, Computers and Structures, 216, 26–39, 2019.
  • P. Kumar, A. Saxena, R. A. Sauer, (2019); “Computational synthesis of large deformation compliant mechanisms undergoing self and mutual contact”, ASME. J. Mech. Des., 141(1), 2019
Dr. Pankaj Kolhe

Pankaj Kolhe

PhD, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa


Areas of Research : Alternative fuels, combustion, and optical diagnostics in dynamic flows.

404, C-block, IITH

psk [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6665


Dr. Pankaj Sharadchandra Kolhe received his Ph.D. from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. He has joined IIT Hyderabad in December 2013 as Assistant Professor and got promoted to Associate Professor in May 2019 and to Professor in Jun 2024. He has authored over 50 publications (international journals and conferences). His areas of research include Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Optical and Laser Diagnostics in dynamic flows, Alternative Fuel Combustion, IC Engines, Turbomachines, Sprays in Agriculture.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Soni, S.K. and Kolhe, P.S., Liquid jet breakup and spray formation with annular swirl air. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 134, p.103474. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103474
  • Murugan, R., Kolhe, P.S. and Sahu, K.C., 2020. A combined experimental and computational study of flow-blurring atomization in a twin-fluid atomizer. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 84, pp.528-541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2020.07.008
  • Murugan, R. and Kolhe, P.S., Experimental investigation into flow blurring atomization. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 120, p.110240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2020.110240
  • Murugan, R., Balusamy, S. and Kolhe, P., 2020. Experimental Study of Liquid Spray Mode of Twin Fluid Atomizer Using Optical Diagnostic Tool. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 106(1), pp.261-289. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10494-020-00195-1
  • Biswal, A., Gedam, S., Balusamy, S. and Kolhe, P., 2020. Effects of using ternary gasoline-ethanol-LPO blend on PFI engine performance and emissions. Fuel, 281, p.118664. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2020.118664
  • Kirar, P.K., Alvarenga, K., Kolhe, P., Biswas, G. and Chandra Sahu, K., 2020. Coalescence of drops on the free-surface of a liquid pool at elevated temperatures. Physics of Fluids, 32(5), p.052103. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0007402
  • Biswal, A., Kale, R., Teja, G.R., Banerjee, S., Kolhe, P. and Balusamy, S., 2020. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of gasoline/lemon peel oil blends for PFI engine. Fuel, 267, p.117189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117189
  • Soni, S.K., Kirar, P.K., Kolhe, P. and Sahu, K.C., 2020. Deformation and breakup of droplets in an oblique continuous air stream. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 122, p.103141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2019.103141
  • Biswal, A., Kale, R., Balusamy, S., Banerjee, R. and Kolhe, P., 2019. Lemon peel oil as an alternative fuel for GDI engines: A spray characterization perspective. Renewable energy, 142, pp.249-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.04.087
  • Panchasara, H., Kolhe, P.S. and Agrawal, A.K., 2020. Spray flame characteristics of bio-derived fuels in a simulated gas turbine burner. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 142(8). https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4047782
  • Nayak, G.M., Sellan, D., Murugan, R., Balusamy, S., Banerjee, S. and Kolhe, P., 2020. An investigation into LPG Sooting Diffusion Flame with Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing. https://doi.org/10.1615/JFlowVisImageProc.2020030930
Prakhar Gupta

Prakhar Gupta

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Multiscale and multiphysics modeling, computational materials science, nonlinear elasticity, biomechanics, computational mechanics

606, C-block, IITH

prakharg [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6677


Dr Prakhar Gupta is a Assistant Professor in the MAE Department. Prior to joining IIT Hyderabad, He was a postdoctoral researcher at LaCaN, UPC, Barcelona, Spain. He received his Ph.D. in 2018 from the Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. His research focuses on the continuum modeling of nanostructures. His research interests include multiscale modeling, electromechanics, and biomechanics.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Codony, D., Gupta, P., Marco, O. and Arias, I., 2021. Modeling flexoelectricity in soft dielectrics at finite deformation. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 146, p.104182.
  • Gupta, P. , Kumar, A., 2018. Effect of surface elasticity on extensional and torsional stiffnesses of isotropic circular nanorods. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 24(6), 1613-1629.
  • Gupta, P. , Kumar, A., 2017. Effect of material nonlinearity on spatial buckling of nanorods and nanotubes. Journal of Elasticity,126, 155-171.
Prof. Prasanth Kumar R

Prasanth Kumar R

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


Areas of Research : Multibody Dynamics, Legged Robotics, Control Theory, and Mechatronics.

415, C-block, IITH

rpkumar [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6652


  • Walking Assistant Apparatus for High Walking Stability,
    Jungwon Yoon and Prasanth Kumar
    KIPO App No: 10-2009-0053211, Issue Date: 4/4/2011
  • A Stiffened Flexible Manipulator Arm,
    R Prasanth Kumar and Rahul Dixit
    App No: 974/DEL/2014, Filed Date: 3/4/2014
  • An Airborne Vacuum Cleaner,
    R Prasanth Kumar
    App No: E-2/956/2019/CHE, Filed Date: 26/3/2019
  • Leg Assembly of a Robot,
    A V P Krishna Kanth Prabhu, Abhishek S Nalwarkar, P Naveen Sagar and R Prasanth Kumar
    App No: E-2/2087/2019/CHE, Filed Date: 3/7/2019

Selected Journal Publications

  • Mangesh D Ratolikar and R Prasanth Kumar
    "Optimal 5R parallel leg design for quadruped robot gait cycle,"
    Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, Vol. 35, pp 94-98, November 2020.

  • Krishna Prakash Yadav and R Prasanth Kumar
    "Biped dynamic walker with alternate unpowered and partially powered steps in a gait cycle,"
    Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, Vol. 35, pp 27-32, November 2020.

  • V. Janardhan and R. Prasanth Kumar
    "Generating real-time trajectories for a planar biped robot crossing a wide ditch with landing uncertainties,"
    Robotica, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp 109-140, January 2019.

  • V. Janardhan and R. Prasanth Kumar
    "Online trajectory generation for wide ditch crossing of biped robots using control constraints,"
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 97, pp 61-82, November 2017.

  • V. Janardhan and R. Prasanth Kumar
    "Generating Feasible Solutions for Dynamically Crossing a Wide Ditch by a Biped Robot,"
    Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 88, No. 1, pp 37-56, October 2017.

  • Rahul Dixit and R. Prasanth Kumar
    "Working and Limitations of Cable Stiffening in Flexible Link Manipulators,"
    Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, Vol 2016 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/4503696).

  • P. Murali Krishna and R. Prasanth Kumar
    "Energetics of Constant Height Level Bounding in Quadruped Robots,"
    Robotica, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp 403-422, February 2016.

  • Abdullah Özer, S. Eren Semercigil, R. Prasanth Kumar, and Pulas Yowat
    "Delaying Tool Chatter in Turning with a Two-link Robotic Arm,"
    Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 332, No. 6, pp 1405-1417, March 2013.

  • R. Prasanth Kumar, Abdullah Özer, Gabsoon Kim, and Jungwon Yoon
    "A Novel Dynamic Walker with Heel, Ankle, and Toe Rocker Motions,"
    Robotica, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp 883-893, October 2011.

  • Jungwon Yoon, R. Prasanth Kumar, and Abdullah Özer
    "An Adaptive Foot Device for Increased Gait and Postural Stability in Lower Limb Orthoses and Exoskeletons,"
    International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp 515-524, June 2011.

Prof. Raja Banerjee

Raja Banerjee

PhD, University of Missouri Rolla


Areas of Research : Multiphase Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, CFD.

511, C-block, IITH

rajabanerjee [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6651


  • Santosh Kumar Sriramoju, Pratik Swarup Dash, Raja Banerjee, Saptarshi Majumdar and Debaprasad Shee, A system and process for segregation of low ash clean coal from coal tailing, Indian Patent (Appl. no: 202031005007 dated 05/02/2020)
  • Raja Banerjee and Darrell L. Klein, Fuel Fill System with Fuel Vapor Recirculation, US Patent # 7,243,678 issued 17/07/2007 (assigned to Dayco Products, LLC)

Book Chapters

  • R. Kale and R. Banerjee, “Spray collapse in a multi-hole gdi injector and its effect on in-cylinder combustion,” in Two-Phase Flow for Automotive and Power Generation Sectors, K. Saha, A. K. Agarwal, K. Ghosh, and S. Som, Eds. Springer, Singapore, 2019, pp. 43–61.
  • G. S. Reddy and R. Banerjee, “Evaluation of Forcing Schemes in Pseudopotential Based Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Model,” in Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power–Contemporary Research, A. Saha, D. Das, R. Srivastava, P. Panigrahi, and K. Muralidhar, Eds. Springer, New Delhi, 2017, pp. 1003–1010.


  • Kant K, Banerjee R, Study of the secondary droplet breakup mechanism and regime map of Newtonian and power law fluids at high liquid–gas density ratio, Physics of Fluids, 34, 2022, 43108
  • Kale, R, Banerjee R, Optical investigation of flash boiling and its effect on in-cylinder combustion for butanol isomers and iso-octane, International Journal of Engine Research, 25, 2021, 1565-1578
  • Wakale A, Banerjee S, Banerjee R, Experimental and chemical kinetic study of the impact of n-butanol blending on the gross engine performance of a CRDI engine, Energy Conversion and Management, 178, 2018, 400-414
  • Publications webpage
Prof. Ramji

Ramji Manoharan

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Areas of Research : Experimental Solid Mechanics, Material Characterisation, Finite Element Analysis, Fracture Mechanics, Composite Structures, Damage Mechanics

419, C-block, IITH

ramji_mano [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6653


Dr. Ramji Manoharan is a Professor & Head in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at IIT Hyderabad. He received his PhD from IIT Madras in 2008 and M.Tech from same IIT Madras in 2003.

Awards & Honors

  • My student Mrs. Isha Pailwal has received ISAMPE award for Smart Materials& systems, Technology Development (Student Category) - 2022 for her work titled " Novel multiple micro bolt configuration for a single lap CFRP Hybrid Joints"
  • Awards

Journal Publications

  • M Ramji, R Srilakshmi and MB Prakash,Towards optimization of patch shape on the performance of bonded composite repair using FEM, Composites Part B: Engineering, 45 (1), 710-720
  • M Ramji and K Ramesh, Whole field evaluation of stress components in digital photoelasticity—Issues, implementation and application, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 46 (3), 257-271
  • M Kashfuddoja and M Ramji, Whole-field strain analysis and damage assessment of adhesively bonded patch repair of CFRP laminates using 3D-DIC and FEA, Composites Part B: Engineering 5
  • 46-61
  • Publications Webpage
Dr. Ranabir Dey

Ranabir Dey

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) Kharagpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Low Reynolds number fluid mechanics; microfluidics; capillarity and wetting phenomena; active soft matter- dynamics of self-propelling microswimmers (e.g. swimming droplets) in complex surroundings

503, C-block, IITH

ranabir [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6675


Prior to joining IITH in December 2020, Ranabir was a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Complex Fluids at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization in Goettingen, Germany. He continues to hold the position of a guest scientist at MPI-DS. Before working at MPI-DS, Ranabir was a postdoctoral fellow in the Physics of Complex Fluids group at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Ranabir did his B. E. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, and obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from IIT Kharagpur. His research interests are in the fields of active soft matter- specifically behaviour of microswimmers, capillarity and wetting, and low Reynolds number hydrodynamics. He loves doing both experiments and mathematical modelling.

Awards & Honors

  • Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award: Technological-edge Award, SRISTI (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions), 2014

Selected Journal Publications

  • R. Dey, C. M. Buness, B. V. Hokmabad, C. Jin, C. C. Maass, 'Oscillatory rheotaxis of artificial swimmers in microchannels', Nature Communications 13 (1), 1-10, 2022.
  • B. V. Hokmabad, R. Dey, M. Jalaal, D. Mohanty, M. Almukambetova, K. A. Baldwin, D. Lohse, C. C. Maass, Emergence of bimodal motility in active droplets, Physical Review X 11(1), 011043, 2021.
  • H. Wu, R. Dey, I. Siretanu, D. van den Ende, L. Shui, G. Zhou, F. Mugele, Electrically controlled localized charge trapping at amorphous fluoropolymer-electrolyte interfaces, Small 16 (2), 1905726, 2020.
  • D. Baratian*, R. Dey*, H. Hoek, D. van den Ende, F. Mugele (*joint first authors), Breath Figures under Electrowetting: Electrically Controlled Evolution of Drop Condensation Patterns, Physical Review Letters 120 (21), 214502, 2018.
  • A. A. Dev, R. Dey, F. Mugele, Behaviour of flexible superhydrophobic striped surfaces during (electro-) wetting of a sessile drop, Soft Matter 15 (48) , 9840, 2019. (Cover article)
  • R. Dey, M van Gorcum, F. Mugele, J. H. Snoeijer, Soft electrowetting, Soft Matter 15, 6469, 2019.
  • H. Hoek, R. Dey, F. Mugele, Electrowetting-controlled dropwise condensation with patterned electrodes: Physical principles, modeling, and application perspectives for fog harvesting and enhanced heat transfer, Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2), 2001317, 2021.
  • R. Dey, J. Gilbers, D. Baratian, H. Hoek, D. van den Ende, F. Mugele, Controlling shedding characteristics of condensate drops using electrowetting, Applied Physics Letters 113 (24) 243703, 2018. (selected as `Editor's pick')
  • R. Dey, A. Daga, S. DasGupta, S. Chakraborty Electrically modulated dynamic spreading of drops on soft surfaces, Applied Physics Letters 107 (3), 034101,2015.
  • R. Dey, V. A. Shaik, D. Chakraborty, S. Ghosal, S. Chakraborty AC electric field induced trapping of microparticles in pinched microconfinements, Langmuir 31 (21), 5952, 2015.
  • R. Dey, K. Raj M., N. Bhandaru, R. Mukherjee, S. Chakraborty, Tunable hydrodynamic characteristics through microchannels with biomimetic superhydrophobic wall, Soft Matter 10 (19), 3451, 2014.
  • T. Ghonge*, J. Chakraborty*, R. Dey*, S. Chakraborty (*Equal contribution), Electrohydrodynamics within the electrical double layer in the presence of finite temperature gradients Physical Review E 88, 053020, 2013.
  • R. Dey, S. Chakraborty, S. DasGupta, Thermally activated control of microfluidic friction Applied Physics Letters 101 (13), 134101, 2012.
  • J. Chakraborty, R. Dey, S. Chakraborty Consistent accounting of steric effects for prediction of streaming potential in narrow confinements Physical Review E 86, 061504, 2012.
  • P. Mandal, R. Dey, S. Chakraborty, Electrokinetics with paper-and-pencil devices, Lab-on-a-Chip 12, 4026, 2012.
Dr. Sachidananda Behera

Sachidananda Behera

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Turbulence, Turbulence Modelling of incompressible flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Study of bluff bodies and Jets.

608, C-block, IITH

sbehera [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 XXXX


Dr. Sachidananda Behera is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH in 2022, Sachidananda was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay from 2020. Sachidananda did his B.Tech. from C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar and obtained his M. Tech from Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati. and Ph.D. degrees from IIT Kanpur.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Sachidananda Behera and Arun K Saha, 2019, "Characteristics of the flow past a wall-mounted finite-length square cylinder at low Reynolds number with varying boundary layer thickness", ASME. J. Fluids Eng., 141(6), 061204-17, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042751
  • Sachidananda Behera and Arun K Saha, 2020 "Evolution of the flow structures in an elevated jet in crossflow", Physics of Fluids, 32, 015102, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5129498
  • Sachidananda Behera, Basheer A. Khan and Arun K Saha, 2023 “Characterization of the turbulent field behavior of an elevated jet-in crossflow investigated using direct numerical simulation”, Physics of Fluids, 35, 015157, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0127618
Dr. Safvan Palathingal

Safvan Palathingal

PhD, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Nonlinear mechanics of slender structures, Compliant mechanisms, and Optimization.

607, C-block, IITH

safvan [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6674


Biography: Dr. Safvan Palathingal is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechancial and Aerospace Engineering in the Indian Institue of Technology, Hyderabad (IIT-H). He received his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, and his B. Tech degree from National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India. His research interests are concerned with developing engineering applications by understanding and controlling the nonlinear solid mechanics arising from large displacements. He particularly focus on design problems rooted in mechanics of slender structures, compliant mechanisms, structural optimization, and interdisciplinary areas.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Palathingal, S. and Ananthasuresh, G. K: Analytical modeling of spatial deformation pathways in planar and spatial shallow bistable arches, Proceedings of the Royal Society A (2019)
  • Yadav, D., Murthy, N. S., Palathingal, S., Shekhar, S., Giridhar, M. S., and Ananthasuresh, G. K: A Two-Terminal Bistable Electrothermally Actuated Microswitch, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (2019), 28(3), pp. 540-549
  • Palathingal, S. and Ananthasuresh, G. K: Analysis and design of fixed-fixed bistable arch-profiles using a bilateral relationship, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (2019), pp. 1-18
  • Palathingal, S. and Ananthasuresh, G. K: A bilateral relationship between stable profiles of pinned-pinned bistable shallow arches, International Journal of Solids and Structures (2018)
  • Palathingal, S. and Ananthasuresh, G. K: Design of Bistable Arches by Determining Critical Points in the Force-displacement Characteristic, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 117C (2017), pp. 175-188
Dr. Sai Sidhardh

Sai Sidhardh

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Computational methods, Fractional calculus, Elastodynamics, Composite mechanics, and Smart/Multi-physics structures.

501, C-block, IITH

sidhardh [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6676


Prior to joining IITH, Dr. Sidhardh worked as a post-doctoral research associate at the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, Purdue University, USA. He received his Ph.D in 2019 from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, after completing Dual Degree (B.Tech+M.Tech) from the same department. His research interests are in theoretical and computational solid mechanics, with a special focus on the modeling and applications of multiscale and multi-physics interactions across the structure.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Sidhardh, S., Patnaik, S. and Semperlotti, F., 2021. Analysis of the Postbuckling Response of Nonlocal Plates Via Fractional-Order Continuum Theory. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88(4), p.041013.
  • Patnaik, S., Sidhardh, S. and Semperlotti, F., 2021. Nonlinear thermoelastic fractional-order model of nonlocal plates: Application to postbuckling and bending response. Thin-Walled Structures, 164, p.107809.
  • Patnaik, S., Sidhardh, S. and Semperlotti, F., 2020. A Ritz-based finite element method for a fractional-order boundary value problem of nonlocal elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 202, pp.398-417.
  • Basutkar, R., Sidhardh, S. and Ray, M.C., 2019. Static analysis of flexoelectric nanobeams incorporating surface effects using element free Galerkin method. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 76, pp.13-24.
  • Sidhardh, S. and Ray, M.C., 2018. Flexomagnetic response of nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(24), p.244101.
  • Sidhardh, S. and Ray, M.C., 2018. Element-free Galerkin model of nano-beams considering strain gradient elasticity. Acta Mechanica, 229(7), pp.2765-2786.

Dr. Saravanan B

Saravanan B

PhD, University and INSA of Rouen, France.


Areas of Research : Fluid Mechanics, Premixed and Stratified Combustion, Oxyfuel Pulverized Coal Combustion, Thermoacoustic Instabilities, Laser Diagnostics.

409, C-block, IITH

saravananb [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6666


Dr. Saravanan Balusamy is an Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. He earned a Ph.D. from the INSA of Rouen in France and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom for four years. He has been conducting combustion experiments using optical diagnostic techniques. The primary goal of the research is to contribute to the development of more cost-effective, ultra-low-emission combustors.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Balusamy, S., Cessou, A., and Lecordier, B. Direct measurement of local instantaneous laminar burning velocity by a new PIV algorithm. Experiments in Fluids. 50 : 1109–1121. 2011.
  • Balusamy, S., Schmidt, A., and Hochgreb, S. Flow field measurements of pulverized coal combustion using optical diagnostic techniques. Experiments in Fluids. 54 : 1534. 2013.
  • Balusamy, S., Cessou, A., and Lecordier, B. Laminar propagation of lean premixed flames ignited in stratified mixture. Combustion and Flame. 161 : 427–437, 2014.
  • Balusamy, S., Li, L. K. B., Han, Z., Juniper, M. P., and Hochgreb, S. Nonlinear dynamics of a self-excited thermoacoustic system subjected to acoustic forcing. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 35 : 3229–3236, 2015
  • Balusamy, S., Kamal, M. M., Lowe, S. M., Tian, B., Gao, Y., and Hochgreb, S. Laser diagnostics of pulverized coal combustion in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 conditions : velocity and scalar field measurements. Experiments in Fluids. 56 : 108, 2015
  • Balusamy, S., Li, L. K. B., Han, Z., and Hochgreb, S. Extracting flame describing functions in the presence of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 36 : 3851–3861, 2017
  • Ashok, B., Nanthagopal, K., Balusamy, S., Somasundaram, P., Jegadheesan, C., Bhaskar, C., Shivam, S., and Gaurang, P. A novel study on the effect lemon peel oil as a fuel in CRDI engine at various injection strategies. Energy Conversion and Management. 172 : 517–528, 2018
  • Ashok, B., Nanthagopal, K., Vivek, A., Aravind, K. M., Jeevanantham, A. K., and Balusamy, S. Effects of n-octanol as a fuel blend with biodiesel on diesel engine characteristics. Fuel. 235 : 363–373, 2019
  • Biswal, A., Kale, R., Balusamy, S., Banerjee, R., and Kolhe, P. Lemon peel oil as an alternative fuel for GDI engines : A spray characterization perspective. Renewable Energy. 142 : 249–263, 2019
  • Gurrala, P., Katre, P., Balusamy, S., Banerjee, S., and Sahu, K.C. Evaporation of ethanolwater sessile droplet of different compositions at an elevated substrate temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 145. 2019
Dr. Sayak Banerjee

Sayak Banerjee

PhD, Stanford University, USA

Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Experimental and Numerical Combustion Kinetics, Kinetic Model Reduction, Bio-fuel Combustion and Emission, Combustion Diagnostics

513, C-block, IITH

sayakb [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6670


Dr. Sayak Banerjee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He has completed his B. Tech Degree from Jadavpur University, M. Tech Degree from IIT Kanpur and PhD degree from Stanford University. His specialization is in the field of the chemical kinetics of combustion in IC engines and gas turbines, development and testing of biofuels and emission measurement and control. His research also includes the evaporation dynamics of binary and nanofluid droplets.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Balusamy S., Banerjee S., Sahu K. C. , Lifetime of sessile saliva droplets in the context of SARS-CoV-2, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 123 (2021) 
  • Wakale A. B., Banerjee S. and Banerjee R., Estimation of NOx and soot emission from a constant volume n-butanol/n-dodecane blended spray using unsteady flamelet model based on n-dodecane/n-butanol/NOx/PAH chemistry, Journal of Energy Institute, Volume 93, Issue 5, October 2020, Pages 1868-1882
  • Katre P., Gurrala P., Balusamy S., Banerjee S., Sahu K. S., Evaporation of sessile ethanol-water droplets on a critically inclined heated surface, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 131, 2020   
  • Biswal A., Kale R., Teja G. R., Banerjee S., Kolhe P., Balusamy S., An experimental and kinetic modeling study of gasoline/lemon peel oil blends for PFI engine, Fuel (267), 2020.   
  • Nayak, G. M., Sellan, D., Murugan, R., Balusamy, S., Banerjee, S., & Kolhe, P. An investigation into LPG Sooting Diffusion Flame with Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing. (2020)
  • Gurrala P., Katre P., Balusamy S., Banerjee S., Sahu K. C., Evaporation of ethanol-water sessile droplet of different compositions at an elevated substrate temperature, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 145, 2019. 
  • Wakale A. B., Banerjee S. and Banerjee R., Experimental and chemical kinetic study of the impact of n-butanol blending  on the gross engine performance of a CRDI engine. Energy Conversion and Management (178), 2018. 
  • Xu R., Wang K., Banerjee S., Shao J., Parise T., Zhu Y., Wang S., Movaghar A., Lee D.J., Zhao R., Han X., Gao Y., Lu T., Brezinsky K., Egolfopoulos F. N., Davidson D. F., Hanson R. K., Bowman C. T. and Wang H., A Physics-based approach to modeling real-fuel combustion chemistry–II. Reaction kinetic models of jet and rocket fuels. Combustion and Flame (193),2018.
  • Banerjee S., Tangko R., Sheen D. A., Wang H., Bowman C. T., An Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of n-Dodecane Pyrolysis and Oxidation, Combustion and Flame (163), 2016.
  • Mukhopadhyay A., Banerjee S., Gupta C., Fully developed hydrodynamic and thermal transport in combined pressure and electrokinetically driven flow in a microchannel with asymmetric boundary conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52(7-8), 2009.
Prof. Suryakumar S

Suryakumar S

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


Areas of Research : Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Objects, particularly large sized; Design for Additive Manufacturing; Circular Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.

405, C-block, IITH

ssurya [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6657


Dr. Suryakumar is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at IIT Hyderabad. He has done his BTech & MTech (Dual Degree) from IIT Madras and PhD from IIT Bombay, soon after which he joined IIT Hyderabad as faculty in 2010. His current research interests include Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Objects, particularly large sized; Design for Additive Manufacturing; Circular Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.

Awards & Honors

  • He is the recipient of Excellence in Teaching award by the Institute for the year 2013 and Excellent in Research award for the year 2020.


  • Srinath Ellaswamy G., Suryakumar S., Venkata Reddy N. (2020): “A Method and System to Fabricate a Component using Additive Manufacturing and Deformation Unit”, Indian Patent, Application Number: 201941016062.
  • Suryakumar Simhambhatla / Mr. B Sai Laxman Bharadwaj (2020): “Reusable Respiratory Mask with Disposable Filter Element”, Indian Patent Application No. 202041023866
  • Sarpras Swain, Lopamudra Giri,S. Suryakumar,Falguni Pati (2020): “Microfluidic Devices and Methods of Fabrication Thereof”, Application Number: PCT/IN2020/050601
  • Aravind Kumar Rengan, Appidi Tejaswini, Syed Besseruddin Alvi, Surya Kumar Simhambhatla, Anurag Meena, Rohit Srivastava (2018): "Detection Kit for Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer by Quantification of Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid” Indian Patent, Application Number: TEMP/E-1/17550/2018-CHE.
  • K. P. Karunakaran, S. Suryakumar, Sajan Kapil (2015): "Realization of the composite injection moulds with conformal cooling channels through Hybrid Layered Manufacturing." Indian Patent, Application Number: 4762/MUM/2015.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Shashi Ranjan M., Syed Nizamuddin K., and Suryakumar S. (2020): “3D Printing of Components with Tailored Properties Through Hilbert Curve Filling of a Discretized Domain”, in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Vol 7(6), pp. 288-299.
  • Srinath G., Vishwanath N., Sagar P., Gopinath M. and Suryakumar S. (2020): “A study on the effect of substrate heating and cooling on bead geometry in wire arc additive manufacturing and its correlation with cooling rate”, in Materials Today: Proceedings.
  • Akiwate Deepak C., Date Mahendra D., Venkatesham B. and Suryakumar S. (2019): “Acoustic characterization of additive manufactured perforated panel backed by honeycomb structure with circular and non-circular perforations” in Applied Acoustics, Vol. 155(1), pp. 271-279.
  • Panchagnula, J.S. and Suryakumar, S. (2018): “Manufacture of complex thin-walled metallic objects using weld-deposition based additive manufacturing” in Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 49, pp. 194-203.
  • Somashekara, M.A., Naveenkumar, M., Avinash Kumar, Viswanath C. and Suryakumar, S. (2017): “Investigations into effect of weld-deposition pattern on residual stress evolution for metallic additive manufacturing”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 90, No. 5, pp. 2009-2015.
  • Somashekara, M.A. and Suryakumar, S. (2017): “Twin-wire Welding based Additive Manufacturing (TWAM): Manufacture of functionally gradient objects”, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 858-868.
  • JayaprakashSharma, P. and Suryakumar, S. (2016): “Inclined slicing and weld-deposition for additive manufacturing of metallic objects with large overhangs using higher order kinematics” in Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 99-108.
Prof. Thulsiram

Thulsiram G

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Nondestructive Evaluation, Materials Characterization, Wave Propagation, Ultrasonic Imaging, and Applied Machine Learning.

518, C-block, IITH

thulsiramg [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 XXXX


Dr. G Thulsiram is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. Prior to joining IITH in 2024, Thulsiram was a post-doctoral researcher in IIT Madras from 2023 and completed PhD in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Madras. Dr. Thulsiram did his B.Tech. from NIT Tiruchirappalli, Trichy and obtained his M.Tech. from IIT Kanpur. Before joining the Ph.D., he worked for four years in two MNCs Larsen and Toubro, Mumbai and Rolls Royce, Bangalore.

Selected Journal Publications

Prof. Venkata Reddy N

Venkata Reddy N

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Areas of Research : Predictive modeling for Digital Fabrication (including Additive Manufacturing), Analysis (Numerical as well as Experimental) of Manufacturing processes, Development of Integrated Product and Process Design Systems (IPPDS) for various manufacturing processes including Hybrid/Additive/Layered Manufacturing,Design and Development of Rapid response and Resource Saving Manufacturing Processes.

509, C-block, IITH

nvr [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6660

Selected Publications

  • Importance of Machine Compliance to Quantify Electro-Plastic Effect in Electric Pulse Aided Testing: An Experimental and Numerical Study, SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022, V75, 268-279.
  • Tool Path Design System to Enhance Accuracy during Double Sided Incremental Forming: An Analytical Model for Predicting Compensations for Small/Large Components, SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, V58, 510-523.
  • Optimum Part Deposition Orientation in Fused Deposition Modeling, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2004, V44, 585-594
  • Publications Webpage
Prof. Venkatasubbaiah K

Venkatasubbaiah K

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Areas of Research : Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Heat transfer, Stability Analysis of Flows with and without heat transfer, Cooling of Electronic Devices and Aerodynamics.

508, C-block, IITH

kvenkat [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6654


Dr. K. Venkatasubbaiah is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at IIT Hyderabad. He received his Ph.D from IIT Kanpur in 2008. He has authored over 50 publications in international journals and conferences. His areas of research include Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer enhancement using Nanofluids and Phase change materials, Turbulent flows, Supersonic and Hypersonic flows.

Awards & Honors

  • The Editorial member (Associate Editor) of the International Journal of “Heat Transfer Research”- Begell House Publisher, USA (May 2011 to April 2019).

Selected Journal Publications

  • Veeresh Tekure, Pratik Shrikanth Pophali and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Numerical investigation of aerospike semi-cone angle and a small bump on the spike stem in reducing the aerodynamic drag and heating of spiked blunt-body: New correlations for drag and surface temperature”, Physics of Fluids, Vol 33 (11),116108:1-27, 2021 American Institute of Physics publisher. (Editor’s Pick Article)
  • Veeresh Tekure and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Numerical investigation on the extrusive and intrusive subcavity types and their location on the primary recirculation zone for the supersonic turbulent flow through cavity type flameholders”, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 25, pp:100987:1-22, 2021.
  • Veeresh Tekure and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Effect of Mach number and plate thickness on the flow field and heat transfer characteristics of supersonic turbulent flow over a flat plate at different thermal boundary conditions”, European Journal of Mechanics–B/Fluids, Vol. 88, pp:160-177, 2021. Elsevier Publisher
  • Abhijith M.S and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Numerical investigation on laminar forced convection of MEPCM-water slurry flow through a micro-channel using Eulerian-Eulerian two-phase model”, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 22, pp: 100803:1-22, 2021. Elsevier Publisher
  • Abhijith M.S and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Numerical investigation of jet impingement flows with different nanofluids in a mini channel using Eulerian-Eulerian two-phase method”, Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Vol. 19, pp:100585: 1-13, 2020, Elsevier Publisher
  • Veeresh Tekure and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “A new correlation of average temperature and maximum heat flux for turbulent supersonic flow in a large size channel up to Mach 5”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 96, 105522:1-12, 2020, Elsevier Publisher
  • N. Satish and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Conjugate heat transfer analysis of liquid metal turbulent flow through a horizontal channel by LES “, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 78(4), pp: 140-157, 2020. Taylor and Francis Publisher.
  • N. Satish and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Numerical investigations of flow and heat transfer characteristics between turbulent double jet impingement and a moving plate”, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 11(5), pp: 051001: 1-12, 2019. ASME Publisher.
  • N. Satish and K. Venkatasubbaiah, “Conjugate heat transfer analysis of turbulent forced convection of moving plate in a channel flow”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 100, pp: 987-998, 2016, Elsevier Publisher.
  • N. om Praksh Raj and K. Venkatasubbaiah, A new approach for the design of hypersonic scramjet Inlets, Physics of Fluids, Vol 24, 086103:1-15, 2012 American Institute of Physics Publisher.
Prof. Venkatesham B

Venkatesham B

PhD, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


Areas of Research : Engineering Acoustics, Sound Quality, System Design

504, C-block, IITH

venkatesham [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6658


  • Pradip Radhakrishnan Subramaniam, Balide Venkatesham, Chetan Sharadchandra Tulapurkar, Ravindra Gopaldas Devi, Hiteshkumar Mistry, Bhaskar Tamma, Mallampalli Srinivas: Compact discharge device for the refrigeration compressor of an appliance. General Electric. Nov 8 2012: US20120279245
  • Read More

Book Chapters

  • Balide Venkatesham, Om Prakash, Kiyoshi Saito and Paul Seibert, Noise in Document Handling systems, TISCOT Report: 2008GRC537, July 2008. (Class 1)
  • Balide Venkatesham, Om Prakash, Mayank Tiwari and Gaurav Pandey, Plastic Gear Performance -3: An Analytical Method for Plastic Gear Transmission Error, 2008GRC553, July 2008 (Class 1)
  • Balide Venkatesham and Mayank Tiwari, Analytical Calculation of Micropitting Safety Factor 2010GRC298, March 2010 GE Internal (Class 2)
  • Deepak C Akiwate, Mahendra D Date, B. Venkatesham, Suryakumar S, Acoustic Properties of Additive Manufactured Porous Material Chpater12. Recent developments in Acoustics, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5776-7


  • Golla Siva Teja, Chennuri Saurav Vara Prasad, B. Venkatesham, and K. Sri Rama Murthy, Identification of sloshing noises using convolutional neural network, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(5), 2021, 3027-3041. IF: 1.84, https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0004829
  • Veerababu, D., Venkatesham, B. A Green's Function Solution for Acoustic Attenuation by a Cylindrical Chamber with Concentric Perforated Liners, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 143 (2), 2021. IF 0.913, https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4048172
  • Nagaraja Jade, Venkatesham. B, Experimental Study of Breakout Noise Characteristics of a Flexible Rectangular Duct, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108, 156-172, 2018. IF 3.049, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2018.02.015
  • Publications webpage
Dr. Vishnu R Unni

Vishnu R Unni

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.

Assistant Professor

Areas of Research : Reactive fluid dynamics, particularly focusing on the characterization and control of complex self-organised dynamics of turbulent reactive flows.

605, C-block, IITH

vishnu.runni [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6678


Dr. Vishnu R Unni is a Assistant Professor in the Department of MAE. Prior to joining IITH, Dr. Vishnu worked as a research associate at the Law Lab, Princeton University, USA and a post-doctoral scholar at Saha Lab, University of California San Diego, USA. He received his Ph.D in 2017 from the Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. His research is on reactive fluid dynamics, particularly focusing on the characterization and control of complex self-organised dynamics of turbulent reactive flows. He performs both experimental and theoretical investigations to unravel the universal behaviours that reactive/non-reactive flow systems exhibit, and further develops data driven models that capture phase transitions in such systems.

Selected Journal Publications

  • Sujith, R. I., Unni, V. R.: “Complex system approach to investigate and mitigate thermoacoustic Instability in turbulent combustors”, Physics of Fluids 32, 061401, 2020
  • Pavithran, I., Unni, V. R., Varghese, A. J., Sujith, R. I., Saha, A., Marwan, N., and Kurths, J.: “Predicting the Amplitude of Thermoacoustic Instability Using Universal Scaling Behaviour”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 21, 2021
  • Unni, V. R., Krishnan, A., George, N. B., R. Manikandan, Marwan, N., Sujith, R. I., and Kurths, J.: “On the emergence of critical regions at the onset of thermoacoustic instability in a turbulent combustor”, Chaos 28 (6), 2018
Dr. Viswanath Chinthapenta

Viswanath Chinthapenta

PhD, Brown University, Providence, RI-USA

Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Nano and Micro-mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Contact mechanics, Bio-Mechanics and Structural Health Monitoring.

512, C-block, IITH

viswanath [at] mae.iith.ac.in

+91 (40) 2301 6661


Dr. Viswanath Chintapenta is a Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at IIT Hyderabad. He received his PhD from Brown University, US in 2012 and M.E from IISc Bangalore.

Selected Journal Publications

  • S Matta, NR Kolanu, V Chinthapenta, CM Manjunatha, M Ramji; Progressive damage analysis of adhesively bonded patch repaired carbon fiber–reinforced polymer specimen under compression involving cohesive zone model. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 1056789519832062, 2019 (Cite Score: 2.59).
  • Imam, Murshid; Sun, Yufeng; Fujii, Hidetoshi; Ninshu, MA; Tsutsumi, Seiichiro; Ahmed, Shuja; Chintapenta, Viswanath; Murakawa, Hidekazu; Deformation characteristics and microstructural evolution in friction stir welding of thick 5083 aluminum alloy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 99, 663-681, 2018 (Cite Score 3.12).
  • Matta, Seshadri; Chinthapenta, V; Ramji, M; A novel approach to analyze adhesive layer strain field in a stepped lap repaired carbon fiber reinforced polymer panel using digital image correlation, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 31(19-20), 2180-2201, 2017 (Cite Score: 1.38).
  • Yang, Lei; Gong, Ze; Lin, Yuan; Chinthapenta, Viswanath; Li, Qunyang; Webster, Thomas J; Sheldon, Brian W; Biomaterials: Disordered Topography Mediates Filopodial Extension and Morphology of Cells on Stiff Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, 27 (38), 2017 (Cite Score: 14.58).
  • Imam, Murshid; Racherla, Vikranth; Biswas, Kajal; Fujii, Hidetoshi; Chintapenta, Viswanath; Sun, Yufeng; Morisada, Yoshiaki; Microstructure-property relation and evolution in friction stir welding of naturally aged 6063 aluminium alloy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91, 1753-1769, 2017 (Cite Score 3.12).
  • Somashekara, MA; Naveenkumar, M; Kumar, Avinash; Viswanath, C; Simhambhatla, S; Investigations into the effect of weld-deposition pattern on residual stress evolution for metallic additive manufacturing, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 90, 2009-2025, 2017 (Cite Score 3.12).
  • Khedkar, Sourabh; Chinthapenta, Viswanath; Madhavan, Mahendrakumar; Ramji, M; Progressive failure analysis of CFRP laminate with interacting holes under compressive loading, Journal of Composite Materials, 49(26),3263-3283, 2015 (Cite Score 2.03).
  • Kothari, Abhishek K; Xiao, Xingcheng; Sheldon, Brian W; Chintapenta, Viswanath; The impact of nanocrystalline diamond grain boundary chemistry on the frictional response in sliding contact with 319Al alloy, Journal of materials science, 50(7), 2993-3003, 2015 (Cite Score: 3.31).
  • Srilakshmi, R; Ramji, M; Chinthapenta, Viswanath; Fatigue crack growth study of CFRP patch repaired Al 2014-T6 panel having an inclined center crack using FEA and DIC, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 134,182-201, 2015 (Cite Score: 3.46).
  • L Yang, V Chinthapenta, Q Li, D Stout, A Laing, BW Sheldon, TJ Webster; Understanding osteoblast responses to stiff nano-topographies through experiments and computational simulations, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 97 (4), 375-382, 2011 (Cite Score: 3.30).

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Hideaki Ogawa

Dr. Hideaki Ogawa

Adjunct Associate Professor

Areas of Research : Space Transportation Systems and Space Systems Engineering.

hideaki.ogawa [at] rmit.edu.au


To be Updated

Emeritus Faculty

Prof. Venkatesham B

Vinayak Eswaran

PhD, State University of New York at Stony Brook, U.S.A

Emeritus Professor

Areas of Research : Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of incompressible and compressible flows.

eswar [at] iith.ac.in


  • Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering
  • Fulbright Teaching Fellowship 2002-2003
  • Distinguished Lecture IIT Kanpur 2003
  • Commendations for teaching at IIT Kanpur

Book Chapters

  • Edited (with G.Biswas) Turbulent Flows: Fundamentals, Experiments and Modelling. A comprehensive survey of Turbulent Fluid Mechanics with fifteen chapters written by 9 experts. Narosa , New Delhi, 2001.
  • Two Chapters in Compututional Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer , Edited by K. Muralidhar and T. Sundararajan under the auspices of IIT Kanpur Series, Narosa, India (1995), Revised Edition (2003).


  • Sharma, Atul; Eswaran V.;Heat and fluid flow across a square cylinder in the two-dimensional laminar flow regime,Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications, 2004, 45(3), pp. 247–269
  • Bharti, Ram Prakash;Chhabra R.P.; Eswaran V.;A numerical study of the steady forced convection heat transfer from an unconfined circular cylinder, Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung, 2007, 43(7), pp. 639–648
  • Bharti, Ram Prakash;Chhabra R.P.; Eswaran V.;Steady forced convection heat transfer from a heated circular cylinder to power-law fluids,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2007, 50(5-6), pp. 977–990
  • Publications Webpage

Distinguished Faculty

V. K. Saraswat

V. K. Saraswat

Distinguished Professor

Former secretary, Dept. of Defence R&D (GoI), Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri, Director General of DRDO & ADA
